View Full Version : Fairdinkum 825i Review

05-12-2011, 08:26 AM
The dealer arrived with a brand new, striking looking Gator, to my property where I had organised some high hour pilots on Rhinos and Quads to assess the newcomer on what we describe a grey run. Not extreme but enough to put a bit of fear into the dealer boys. They sent out a couple of salesman and the shop mechanic for what was their first experience outside the dealership with the new model.

First impressions: Very stable, fantastic bed, bugger all storage but plenty of room in that bed especially with the toolless accessories available. Being a long term JD fan I am disappointed the Gator didn't have a screen on the radiator, had the air intakes and clutch exhaust way too low and possessed a non flat floor plan with a very low rear engine skid plate. That fuel tank has got to be too small for such a high revving gas motor. The group expressed some trepidation with respect to the Chinese engine but all agreed it sounded good.

The instant clutch engagement in both high and low range was a breath of fresh air and the options with diff lock and 4X4, perfect. The only omission, a transmission park which gives peace of mind when you need to disembark in steep country. Starting our first climb of the trail with about 450 lbs payload in the bed, diff lock and 4X4 engaged I experienced fairly severe understeer. With the front\rear weight ratio fairly well biased to the rear with the rear mount motor, payload, all-be-it in the front of the bed and a 4X4 on demand system which may not be pulling the steering tires into the corner this is the nature of the beast.

Ok the first steep descent. Armed with knowledge from this forum we tried keeping the throttle bubbled up a way, no throttle at all, more throttle and then less. At the end of the day if you are getting acceptable engine breaking from this clutch the descent is not steep enough. To be fair the rhino's engine braking on these hills is also underdone and a fair amount of brake pad needs to be burned as well but it is a lot more effective than on the gator and it doesn't just leave the belt to squeal when it is no longer required. My JD Traxter ATVs can handle this trail and even black runs in first gear, low range with no brakes so our expectations are high and no they are not CVTs.

The suspension is very good over rocks, perhaps too good as the rear skid plate had a go at pulverizing some of them to dust. We wound the springs to their highest position which improved the performance some but we considered ourselves lightly loaded. (Pilot, passenger and the 450 lbs load). Perhaps we would need to consider the fox shocks option for our conditions.

We came to a 12 inch diameter log on a reasonable climb which, with a bit of skill was traversed easily, however, the next log in a dry creek bed was larger and became lodged in the inevitable trap, the high spot in front of the engine skid plate. This can't be good design and required some serious winching. I hope and trust that JD have a level skid plate option to address this issue.

The water crossing made us all nervous but I expect adding intake and exhaust snorkels is just one of those necessary jobs before real work starts. Lets face it all brands of UTV need some modification before being ideal for our varying needs.

Overall the gator was appreciated and enjoyed by all comers. One farmer who intends to use it for general rural jobs especially spraying reckons he''ll order one but with the better known Yanmar engine. Most were of the opinion that with a mod that introduced proper engine braking the gator would be their next UTV\ATV

05-12-2011, 10:27 AM
I don't put too much weight on reviews. Most the reviewers can be slanted towards one supplier or another depending on their relationship with said supplier. Also known as Freebies. While I do agree with some of the stuff written in this one, I put more faith in reviews that will list the test scenarios and then test each unit against those. I might not care that X brand corners better than Y brand at 40MPH. I suspect I won't be doing much racing so I would toss that comparison out. I did my own comparison on units that I thought might work for my purpose not what someone else thinks it should do. For my purpose the Gator was the best fit. I really liked the Rhino but when it came down to what I needed, the Gator was the better fit.

05-12-2011, 10:49 AM
I agree. A lot of these reviews are bias based on the reviewers preference in machines. I'd take that review with a grain of salt. I like how they said a log was trapped under the frame and needed "Serious Winching" lol. I would rack that up to operator error not either moving the log with the winch or not knowing how to traverse the terrain LOL.:lurk::BG:

05-12-2011, 01:45 PM
I personally think that the 825i is probably one of the best buys out there for the money and just all around performance and pleasure use. Sure the true performance rider will not be totally happy with any manufactured machine and will require a $5000 makeover of any side by side out there to make them a good handling machine. The performance minded public will have a hard time accepting the Gator as an equal to their performance machines, all they can think of is, John Deere, the tractor people. Let's face it, most buying the new Gator are return JD buyers, not the first time JD buyer like me, but I'm 66 yoa and I still ride dirt bikes and I thought the 825i was a pretty good all around machine for my needs. Gator people are different and require their vehicles for special needs, this forum reflects that, we just now have a product to compete with others on the market today.


05-12-2011, 03:18 PM
Couldn't have said it better myself John.

05-12-2011, 04:44 PM
Second that!!

05-12-2011, 05:47 PM
Third that ! I am a first time JD buyer ! Have harley & off road jeeps, the gator will be my newest toy. Now if it would just show up !


05-14-2011, 08:15 AM
Fourth that lol!!!! First time (new machine) buyer here too and I am very pleased with my 620i XUV.. Would take another machine out their if they offered it to me!!! (now if only I could incorporate the Kubota RTV1100 Cab onto the Gator) lol A/C

06-04-2011, 01:23 AM
Hi tracker.
unlike the other il-witted peanuts whom are focused on killing the messenger as apposed to extracting information from the review and processing if accordingly, I found your review very exciting, a great read, and accurate to say the least. Iam a owner of an 825i, and unfortunately cannot say 'proud owner' just yet. I'm imagining these 'boys' have most probably not tested there machines on country that i would call steep. Because if they had, they would read your review and understand what you where talking about and agree with it. Personally i wished i had done more research and found reviews like this before i jumped into the Gator. But at the end of the day, its great for getting from A to B; just as long as B isn't on a 50 degree vector.
Props bro.

06-04-2011, 08:12 AM
WHAT!!! ohhh I get it your a troll. and "boys"..."props bro" LOL. listen kid go play elsewhere and let the men talk now. Let me tell you something. Usually arguing on the internet is like wiping before you poop....it doesn't make sense but in this case I'll make an exception. First off. A few of us on here "use" our gators. Either for farming or recreation. I for one use it for both. So do me and the people on here that have intelligent things to talk about a favor and the next time you have a thought...just let it go.

06-05-2011, 10:15 PM
825joe, thankyou for your post. You are Exhibit A. of an ill-witted peanut. I love how you quote from others post's, as some sort of reassurance that your argument is somewhat reputable?
So i've taken the time to quote from your posts to support my ^characterization of you Joe.
"that have intelligent things to talk about" coming from 825joe who uses "wiping before you poop" as a metaphor then follow's with a very mature and intelligent "LOL"

Dont forget i own a gator, however unlike you have managed to pull my head out of the sand and happy to discuss its pro's and con's, and mature enough to accept criticism

Thanks joe, sorry you had to be told by a "kid"

06-07-2011, 09:45 AM
No one jumped on the guy for his review. People stated their opinions. Now you on the other hand, you are just dumb enough to call people ill-witted peanuts when one took personal offense to the review until the internet tough guy (being yourself), decided to step in. Now go bye bye and talk smack from behind a keyboard elsewhere like a good troll. Im done playing your childish games.