View Full Version : Couple of questions?

08-04-2011, 05:45 PM
After installing the battery tender on my new Gator and when resetting the clock ect. I noticed that the sand dial on the hour meter was flashing, I could'nt remember if it was doing that before I installed the tender. Is that normal? I couldn't find anything about it in the owners or service manual. I also noticed that the battery restraint, the big rubber piece that holds the battery in place, was deflecting the top of the battery. Is that normal as well? Any help is appreciated and thanks.

08-05-2011, 09:25 AM
I just checked one I have in the showroom- the only blinking is the dots in the time that represent seconds. the hand clock does nothing. Probably needs something else set in that digital wonderland dashboard.
You made me look at the battery hold down too and your right. It is really pressed down into the battery case. It is no engineering marvel. It does however beat the hold down on the D100 series mowers for 2011, those use a nice thin zip tie.

08-05-2011, 10:20 AM
Anybody else know anything about the sand dial next to the hour meter? As mentioned earlier it now flashing and all I did was remove the negative cables to the battery so I could install the battery tender, the hot wire I just connected to the postive terminal via the adjacent additional wire connector and then hooked everything back up. I'll recheck the connections today but was wondering if the flashing can be stopped via the push buttions on the dash board? I'm also going to loosen up the battery hold down a little, just enough to take the extreme pressure off the casing.
Thanks GatorMover for your comments.

08-05-2011, 05:01 PM
Mine is doing it, didn't check manual but it is likely a service reminder.

08-05-2011, 08:41 PM
Called the dealer today, Service manager says its normal...I thought for sure I screwed something up!! Thanks guys for your comments, looks like alot to do about nothing.

08-06-2011, 11:52 AM
Glad to hear the flashing is normal. Mine is flashing and I only have 6 hours on it so it's probably not a service reminder. I also disconnected the battery to install electrical options and I also never noticed it flashing before. It might have been , don't know. Never would have looked if you didn't post this.

08-06-2011, 09:40 PM
Its normal according to the JD service mgr but I wish it wasn't flashing. Its kinda annoying but I'm gonna have to get use to it I quess. Pretty dumb inho. It should flash only as a service reminder and then be resettable by the user. I only have 4.5 hrs on my new Gator.

08-07-2011, 03:55 PM
I never noticed this before, just went outside to see for myself. The hourglass flashes only when the engine is running on the gator.

08-07-2011, 07:43 PM
I appreciate all the responces, nice to have a group of guys to discuss issues with.

08-09-2011, 08:59 AM
I never noticed this before, just went outside to see for myself. The hourglass flashes only when the engine is running on the gator.

The flashing hour glass means your hour meter is logging time. It should only be adding "running" hours, not "key on" hours. Example, I had a 4X2 Gator in the showroom, brand new, racked up close to 300 hours! someone left a key in it.

08-09-2011, 09:51 AM
About damn time. ALL my other Deere equipment runs the hourmeter when the key is in ANY position but off! It doesnt really matter with my mowers, but i do use the acc position to listen to the radio in my 6330 premium. You'd figure a german John Deere with that much technology in it would know when it was running! But it doesn't!
When i worked at the Deere, we would replace hourmeters in mowers and gators all the time because they key was left on buy a customer. Just like you said, brand new gator probably still had plastic on the seats with 300 hours on it!

08-10-2011, 08:28 AM
I can't say all, but I know a lot of it does not log key on time anymore. I think it depends on the ignition system.