View Full Version : My Harley purchase

08-05-2011, 10:28 AM
Back in late 2006 I was considering buying an Electra Glide and letting the lady friend have the Wide Glide. I happened to get a letter in the mail from Daytona Harley saying they were offering the rest of their 2006 models and far reduced prices. This was because the 96 inch 2007's would be arriving soon. Well, I happen to go by there quite often on the way to the farm so I stopped in. They had a really nice Black on Black Electra, we talked, he gave me a price less than list and an offer of $1500 in anything I wanted from the parts department. I said ok lets do it. We go to sign the papers and he can't find the bike in the computer. Seems another salesman called his customer and told him I was looking at the bike he wanted. The guy on the phone gave him a credit card so in theory the bike was sold out from under me.

My sales guy tries everything to get me another bike. Checked in several states to no avail. Finally he and Bruce Rossmeyer come to me an apologize and say we have the first 2007 Electra upstairs you can have. Well, I figure this is bait and switch so I say let me think about it as I had to get out of there and to the farm.

I call them Monday and say, "you offered the 2007, for the same deal as the 2006"? They say. "yes". I run down to my local HD dealer here and ask for a cash price on the same bike. They tell me, "we have one on order and it will be here in a little over a month". The 07's were not supposed to go on sale yet. The deal was $3000 over list price. I ran back to my phone, confirmed the deal at Daytona was a 07 for the price we agreed upon for the 06 and YES it was. I said I am on my way to get it. He says, "well the only thing different is I can't give you the $1500 shopping card". I said ok. I got up do the paper work and the money person hands me a HD credit card with $1500 credit on it. I ran to the parts department and spent it all in about 30 minutes.

Oh, I got two free tee shirts also. lol

This is one of the few times I have ever gotten lucky with a purchase of this magnitude.:Thmup:

08-05-2011, 10:53 AM
:Thmup:Great story. Pays to be in the right place at the right time.

08-05-2011, 11:21 AM
Nice! :Chers:
It' hard to get out on the shinny side of things these days! :Wlys:

08-05-2011, 03:07 PM
That almost restores my faith in mankind. I guess there are still people in the world who are good to their word and try to make things right.
Wouldn't it it be nice if all retailers had the same scruples?
I bought my 03 Heritage used from a dealer in Illinois. The bike had been financed through HD and the previous owner still owed money on it. HD was holding the title until it was paid off. I got the bike, a bill of sale and temp tags so I could ride it until I got the title. When the title arrived, the VIN did not match the bike. The dealer sent me a stack of temp tags to use until the could get the situation sorted out. 60 days later, I still didn't have a good title and the dealer didn't seem to be making any progress and didn't seem to care.
A couple of calls to the Attorney Generals office took care of the problem.
No free shirt, hat or accessories, I don't even get invited to the open houses they have.
Glad yours turned out better.

08-09-2011, 07:39 AM
Dang srb08. What a pain huh? I gotta give them credit. They did me ok. They were not supposed the sell the 07's for another month and the one I got was hidden upstairs in private hallway out of public view. When I got it, they had my Electra and one other 07 hidden up there. They really didn't have to do that but I am glad they did.