View Full Version : This is gonna be a all day project!

11-26-2011, 10:17 AM

11-26-2011, 11:51 AM
I'd be happy to be the driver of this tractor, rather than the truck driver who hit the bridge ...... just saying :-)


11-27-2011, 10:00 AM
wooof.....thats gonna need some pullin power.

11-27-2011, 06:48 PM
Couple teams of very large oxen might just do it! About ten/fifteen years past a neighbor was having a new well drilled when the company mired one of their pickup trucks near the well. With no other equipment there as the well was completed he was in a jam. Seeing a farm across the road the individual came over and wanted to know if I would pull him out with one of my tractors. Going over I could see all the ground in front of the truck was nothing but extremely wet mud that was nearly a foot deep. Told him I did want to mire a tractor in there but I had another idea. Weighing in at about one ton each I took over a pair of oxen and had him hook the massive chain to his truck. First pull didn't go well as he hooked the chain to the bumper. Needed one of them after the first pull. Second pull with the chain attached properly went as advertised, truck was out of the mud.