View Full Version : Latest Intel On The RSX 850i. Specs and Attachments!

01-23-2012, 08:28 PM
Member KingGator hooked us up good with this latest specs info on the RSX 850i :smsh:
Thanks Man! :Thmup:




I wants it so bad!! :OhNoes:

01-23-2012, 08:55 PM
That little sucker looks like it would be a blast to ride....I don't have enough riding territory around me to justify buying one, but if I lived out in West VA near the Hatfield McCoy Trails, I belive I'd own one in a heartbeat...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

01-24-2012, 04:00 PM
That little sucker looks like it would be a blast to ride....I don't have enough riding territory around me to justify buying one, but if I lived out in West VA near the Hatfield McCoy Trails, I belive I'd own one in a heartbeat...

Larry in MD :Jestr:
Gotts to aquire! :OhNoes:


01-24-2012, 11:05 PM
WOW....i must have!!! :Ysnd:

02-01-2012, 11:33 AM
I'd love to see that "v-twin 4 cylinder engine"...

02-01-2012, 12:38 PM
I dig it!:Thmup:

fire gator
02-02-2012, 08:38 PM
why do they always keep info so tight wrapped if this really the way it is going to be then any publicity now would get thoose getting ready to purchase another brand to hold off this is what is coming giving all the info possibly even advance orders they may also get:strpot:

02-02-2012, 09:14 PM
I'd love to see that "v-twin 4 cylinder engine"...

I would also like to see a V-Twin 4 cyclinder.

02-02-2012, 10:40 PM
I would also like to see a V-Twin 4 cyclinder.

Wouldn't that actually be a "W-twin" 4 cylinder???....hehehe....it's been stated that the pamphlet stating that it is a 4 cylinder is a misprint...it is actually a V-Twin 2 cylinder motorcycle engine...from what all the video's have been showing where they go up against the Teryx and the Razr 800 in a drag race, they must be quite stout...I'd love to try one out most definitely!!!....but then again, after I saw that new 1000cc Artic Cat "Wildcat", I've been dreaming about riding in one of those hot rods too...

I believe if I bought a machine just for trails and all that adrenaline boosting fun, I'm not sure it would be a RSX 850i...depending on the cost of course, but I think I would lean more towards that new Wildcat or maybe even that new Can Am that just came out...of course, there's always the latest greatest Razr too...if the John Deere model is alot less money, then I guess that would be a bit more attractive....I'm one of those people that if you are gonna go big, do it right the first time...don't go half big and end up regretting it...

One of these days....hopefully!!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-03-2012, 08:03 AM
Larry, what motor is that 1000 in the new cats? I have an older Arctic Cat mountain cat with the 1000 triple and its down right wicked, stock the sleds running 175 ponies.