View Full Version : Regulator's Newest 825i Modifications....

02-24-2012, 05:58 PM
Here's my newest pics of the mods I've done in the past 2 weeks....first up is the rear LED Work Light that I installed using one of the screw holes that attached the Poly Roof to the Rear Glass Window enclosure...


Then, my biggest accomplishment which turned into way more work than I thought it would....installing my Warn XT30 Winch on a 2 inch reciever mount for both front and rear use...here it is mounted on the front...I still need to re-paint the reciever plate that the winch is mounted on because I had to alter the original plate configuration some...


And, the rear plug mounted on the muffler heat shield....


I mounted the wireless remote on one of my brackets that hold the stereo, and mounted the reciever for the wireless unit on the passenger seat base in front...


And the manual rocker switch is mounted using some velcro on the inside left corner of my glovebox...


And lastely for this post, the pic of the battery box where I mounted the winches power unit thingie...it's tight and there are more wires running in there than I'd like...one day I hope to clean some of that up better....


I have more pics that I will post in a reply to this post....hope you enjoy the pics!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-24-2012, 06:24 PM
Here's some more pics....first is my Mood lights I installed on the stereo brackets...they are red LED strips and they give off a nice red glow in the cab at night...


My seatbelt comfort straps which are great to have!!!


My steering wheel spinner from John Deere...


And lastly, a few pics of the Gator itself, along with a few pics of the goofy stickers I've added to the windows in the back and inside....


I hope you all enjoyed the pics....now it's your turn to post up your latest!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-24-2012, 06:28 PM
I really like the idea of a rear working light, I've had rear lights on all my tractors over the years but not one on the 825i? YET! Where did you mount the light switch?

I also like the idea of using the winch both front and rear, however, I am afraide I would be wrapping my shins into the winch each go around? It does make more sense to have it mounted as you do, just in case! Any reason why you didn't go with the 40 winch?

Nice install too, tough when you have so many darn wires.

Larry from ME

PS: Just started snowing here!

02-24-2012, 06:32 PM
I forgot a pic....this is of my new switch bank that is mounted on the rollbar above the windshield...I finally wired up all my lights in it...I used the little round rocker switch that came with my new Kolpin Fog Lights by drilling out a switch blank and filing it open until I could finally fit the switch in it...it was a tight fit, but it worked...I had a few little stickers that marked which light was which, so I used a few on the switch bank and on my other switches in the dash...I have to make a few more of my own to mark the rest of the light switches and such...



Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-24-2012, 06:34 PM
As I was typing my last message you were posting more pictures! With all the red lights inside the cab it sort looks like your running a "Gator of ill repute"!! You are nuts for stickers! LOL

Larry from ME:hdbngr:

02-24-2012, 06:43 PM
Larry...I added the pic of the switch bank where I put the rear light switch...I missed it earlier...

I went with the XT30 over the 40 simply because of cost and the fact that if I ever get in a situation where I think it's more than the 30 can handle, I'll use my snatch block....the XT30 was expensive enough, and to be honest, I doubt that I will ever be in a position where I'll need even that big of a winch, or for that matter, a winch in itself....I plan on doing some trail riding and all that when the weather breaks, so if I need it I'll have it...if I need it and don't have it, that would be a problem, so that's the reason I have it...hehehe...it's totally a "better safe than sorry" thing...Or, it might have been that everybody else had one, so I didn't want to be the one that didn't and have all the cool kids laugh at me....:hehe:

I'm a rebel without a clue....:lol:

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-24-2012, 06:57 PM
Oh yeah...and speaking of the "hitting your shins" thing....I plan on putting a rubber hose all the way around the winch plate after I get it painted...it's about 3/16th steel, so I don't want to be hitting that either without a little bit of cushioning around it...it used to stick out a bit further, but I drilled another set of holes in the reciever tube so that it would go back tight against the bumper...it really doesn't stick out too bad when you see it in person...yeah, it will hurt you if you forget it, but I'll probably only do that once...I've been lucky so far all this week...no crippling shin injuries!!!

You are talking snow???....today, it got up close to 65 here...it was almost 75 down where my Mom lives just above Winston Salem NC!!!...I think the only way we'll get any snow here is for me to take my snowblower off my Garden Tractor, and take my snow plow and store it at my Trucking Company Shop for the rest of the season...then it will surely snow...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-24-2012, 07:51 PM
Awesome! :Chers:
Tire check bat! :Thmup:

02-24-2012, 11:08 PM
Tire Check Bat = Bat that my wife can't get to now because it's latched too tight in the Gear Grip....no more splitting headaches for me!!!

I'm pretty smart a little bit....

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-27-2012, 07:12 AM
Awesome till I saw the Ravens sticker... Now we must be enemies forever!

02-27-2012, 08:35 AM
Now that is what i call "pimping your ride".:cool: Nice job regulator!

02-27-2012, 09:11 AM
Awesome till I saw the Ravens sticker... Now we must be enemies forever!

Well, like the old saying..."keep your friends close and your enemies closer.." I'll be happy being your enemy when it comes to NFL Football...I gotta go with the home team even though they play across the Bay from me...I used to be an old Colts fan until they left town in the middle of the night way back when...now I can't stand the Indy Colts...Really I just hate the Irsay family who owns the Colts, not the team itself....

With you in WV, are you a Cleveland Browns fan???....if so, then I guess you have a right to hate the the Ravens since they did the same thing as the Colts did by leaving their home town proper....Or, maybe a Pittsburgh Steelers fan???...if a Steelers fan, then yes, we must become enemies!!!....HAHAHAHA!!!!....we might just have to make a few friendly wagers next season!!!....:lol:

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-27-2012, 09:37 AM
Born with black and gold blood my friend! The only thing worse than a Cleveland 'brown stain' is a dirty Raven!!! We are sworn enemies for life!!!! :BG:

02-27-2012, 02:13 PM
Born with black and gold blood my friend! The only thing worse than a Cleveland 'brown stain' is a dirty Raven!!! We are sworn enemies for life!!!! :BG:

Damn...I wish I had known you before the start of last season...I would have been able to rub a bunch of salt into some fresh wounds!!!...hahaha....believe me when I say this...I was just as surprised as you were, I'm sure when the Ravens beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh!!!...I couldn't believe they would get them twice in one season...The Ravens lose to a bunch of teams that their Cheerleaders should have been able to beat, but win the games that they really shouldn't be winning!!!...

I used to be a passionate Steelers fan back in the early and late 70's when I used to live up in Central PA...Bradshaw, Swann, Harris, Greene, and one of the most feared players ever and still one of my all time favorites, Jack Lambert!!!...he was just a bit shy of being a total Psycho!!!

I am a good sport, so I will wish you good luck to you and your team next season...we will have a bit of fun with it, I'm sure!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-28-2012, 09:00 AM
Now that is one pimped out ride Regulator. Can the deer see you coming or hear you coming?:BG::BG:

Gator Hunter
02-28-2012, 10:14 PM
Regulator... You've been a busy guy! Wow! Looks great. Is there anything you haven't added to this beast of a Gator? ha!!! I like the "Nosy Focker" sticker the most! And I see the cheetah blanket on the dash is still alive and kickin' as your draft break. I also noticed the brush and dust mop tucked up in the ceiling/roll bar area. Cute Puppy too (who's smarter than the ave honor student! ha!)

02-28-2012, 10:53 PM
Regulator... You've been a busy guy! Wow! Looks great. Is there anything you haven't added to this beast of a Gator? ha!!! I like the "Nosy Focker" sticker the most! And I see the cheetah blanket on the dash is still alive and kickin' as your draft break. I also noticed the brush and dust mop tucked up in the ceiling/roll bar area. Cute Puppy too (who's smarter than the ave honor student! ha!)

Hehehe...the "nosy" sticker is a old helmet sticker I bought somewhere...it doesn't show too good in the pic, but it's stuck on one of the roof supports up behind my switch bank where you actually have to stick your head into the Gator's interior and twist your neck around and look up to see it...(hence, the reason for the sticker...)

You know I can't take that Cheetah blanket out now...it's gotta be a permanent fixture...if someone see's it in a Gator somewhere, they'll know who's it is immediately!!!...I even took it out and folded it up nicely so it doesn't look like it's just jammed in there anymore!!!....details, man...details!!!...hahaha!!!

Now get this...you noticed the brush and duster up in behind the roll bar in the back???...they were in my glovebox, but a few days before I took the pics, I was going like crazy across a cornfield next to my house and the cab was rattling and thumping...so, I reached in and grabbed the brush first and stuck it up over the passenger seat and kept going...that made a BIG difference in the noise, so I then grabbed the duster and stuck it up there over the back of the drivers seat...that made an even bigger difference!!!...so, I can either replace them with something else to dampen the noise and lose my glovebox space again, or I can leave them there and use them when needed and still have my glovebox for something else....I think they'll stay there...

Speaking of too much noise...a fellow on the other Gator Forum I visit posted up some pics of the 2 inch sound deadening foam insulation he stuck onto the back of his Gator's interior back panel, up to the back window, and in under the seats too....he said it made a big difference in the noise on the inside, meaning the loud engine noise mostly...to tell you the truth, it didn't seem like a bad idea at all and I am gonna seriously think about doing something along the same lines...if I am sitting in the Gator with the stereo on to the point where it's almost too loud while the engine is idling, as soon as I take off you can't even hear the stereo anymore unless you turn it up a bunch more...that's ridiculous for it to be THAT noisy in there...I'm definitely gonna work on getting rid of at least some of that noise, so deadening foam insulation just might be in my future too...

As far as adding anything else, well I still have my GPS that's going in there when I head out to the Hatfield McCoy Trails in West Virginia this Spring sometime...(there's a fellow who mapped the whole trail system and sells the download to install on your own Garmin Unit...with over 600 miles of trails in 6 different sections, it will be money well spent for someone like me who normally uses landmarks like Churches, Burger Kings, and Gas Stations to find my way around instead of road numbers...hahaha :lol:)...and, I have a new Cobra 29 CB that I kinda want to install in there but I just haven't yet...it'll fit nicely up at the roof using one of the Stereo brackets that run from roll bar to roll bar as a base for it...it'll fit between that and the roof with about 1/4 inch to spare!!!....I'm still debating whether or not to put it in there.....oh yeah...one other thing...I have one of those "trucker fans" that I want to install in the cab on the rear roll bar facing forward to help with keeping moisture off the windshield in the wintertime, but since it's been so warm and looking like we aren't gonna be getting any snow to plow, I'll just wait until next year to install it in there....then, I should be done...or simply out of space....

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-29-2012, 06:32 AM

Reading you post regarding the noise level inside the cab makes me wonder if I have a problem with my machine? The problem is I have a very severe hearing loss that has had me wearing bilateral aids for over twenty years. Recently I thought both hearing aids done BROKE, no workie! Installed new batteries, no luck. Had them check and they were fine just the hearing took yet another dive. They are saying this next pair will no doubt be the last ones I have because it's that bad. I have my final fitting on March 5th, then one monther later I will have them. Not sure what noises I will then hear!! The only bad thing about it is spending all this money so I can hear the wife scream at me!

You can not install to much more in that machine, if you do you will be driving from the rear bed section! Though I do like the idea of a CB just incase you trail riding with others you have a way to communicate! And I do like the idea of a GPS system! Darn it Larry, STOP with the ideas you taking up my space too! LOL.

Larry from ME

02-29-2012, 09:42 AM
Larry...jeez man...sorry to hear (no pun intended...) of your hearing troubles...I'm at the point where if you aren't looking at me and I'm not looking at you, I'm not gonna hear what you are saying to me...that's not nearly as bad as what you are dealing with though...I played music in a Classic Rock Band for 6 years from '85 till '91, so I blasted my eardrums on music...plus I used to do alot of shooting back in my 20's and 30's without proper hearing protection because back then, I KNEW everything...you couldn't tell me that it would affect my hearing for long term....I used to shoot ground hogs on the farm with a Winchester Model 70, 220 Swift with a bull barrel and a 30" long Unertyl Sniper Scope with a recoil spring on it...Can you imagine what kind of sonic crack one of those bullets makes when it leaves that barrel???...I cringe now when I think of me shooting that thing without hearing protection!!!...when I hit the ground hog, there would be nothing but a puff or fur and blood vapor...the shock of that bullet hitting them was unbelieveable!!!...I guess everyone has a few things that they did when they were younger that they cringe about now, but jeez, I have a bunch of stuff like that...I don't think I grew a brain until I was like 35....

Good luck to you on the new hearing aids....hope they work good for a long time for you...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-29-2012, 02:14 PM
I am glad to hear (not so well) that there are others out there who have abused their hearing. I have ran too many loud tractors for way too many hours without hearing protection. I want to save what I have left so I now wear hearing protection for anything that sounds loud to me except for my Harley. :BG:

02-29-2012, 07:14 PM
Now that is what i call "pimping your ride".:cool: Nice job regulator!

Im apologize for not acknowledging your nice comments sooner...I do appreciate it, especially from those of us who own these 825i's and 855D's, as the cab is the same inside and know what you are dealing with when you go to start adding stuff...I was never one of those "less is more" people, as you can easily see!!!...hahaha!!!

Thanx man...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-29-2012, 09:23 PM

Now you have me thinking once again, "what can I do"!! I came up with the idea this afternoon of trying to get the outside of my trailer done in some sort of patriotic theme? Maybe the back will be in honor of our fallen brothers/sister at 9/11 and the two sides in memory of our service men and women who gave thier lives for our freedom. Just something to say "thank you". I really believe this country could use a lot mor patriotism then many are showing! Going down the highway I can see people smiling when they see this, may even bring a tear to the eyes.

Not even sure if I can afford this but I started looking into it this afternoon. I sent one message to a vinal wrap company here in Maine. I do not have an eye for art or design so I am hoping they may have a clue, if not I will come right back here and ask for ideas! Let us never forget who we are and why we enjoy our freedoms!
Godd bless America! :USA:

Larry from Me Thanks Regulator for getting me off my butt!

03-01-2012, 06:36 AM
looking nice Larry, ever decide on hid`s yet?

03-01-2012, 08:22 AM
looking nice Larry, ever decide on hid`s yet?

I'm close but still trying to decide which one...I like those big ole 7 inchers that have the red trim ring around them, but might just go with a 4 or 5 inch light since it is on top of my cab...I'm gonna do a bit more research before I jump the gun just so I am really sure of what I need...

Thanx for the compliments...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-01-2012, 08:24 AM
I like the Jeep thing sticker! :lol:

03-01-2012, 08:28 AM
Larry in ME...that's a great idea for your trailer...very cool indeed...and it's something that if you ever decide to sell it or trade it for something different, you won't have any trouble getting rid of it because of the artwork on the trailer...everyone likes a Patriotic themed image!!!

And, I've heard from a bunch of people, and have read it too that those vinyl wraps are the cats ass...they are big in doing big truck fuel tanks now because of the durability and good looks...hope you have good luck with that part of it...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-01-2012, 08:30 AM
I like the Jeep thing sticker! :lol:

Yeah...me too...that cracked me up when I saw it listed on ebay, so I had to have it....of course, they have that sticker for a bunch of brands to replace the "Jeep" part of it...that was the only one that fit my application so I bought it...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-10-2012, 06:49 PM
Since my post on Feb 29th I have been pricing out some art work for my 7X14' trailer. EXPENSIVE! To have the two sides and rear door done in a patriotic theme is going to cost $4,620.00-$5,000.00! This is having it done in a vinal wrap. The breakdown was as follows, $350.00 (min) for design work, minimum $1,225.00 for each side printing vinal, minimum $625.00 for rear printing and about $840.00 for install. I never realized it was this expensive. I am unable to find a quote for the airbrushing, seems everyone wants to charge by the hour for design, airbrushing and cleairng. That would also be quite espensive.

I just want to show someting patriotic, relating to our military as well as 9/11. I want people to see the trailer and think of what they have and why they have it. Being retired is not going to allow this adventirue!

Larry in ME :Nnd:

03-11-2012, 10:37 AM
Wow Larry!!!...that vinyl wrap stuff IS expensive!!!...I didn't realize it would cost that much, but I never had anything to compare that to...5 grand is a bit much to spend whether you are retired or not!!!...

I don't have any other idea's....maybe someone else might???

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-11-2012, 04:55 PM
I am going to keep my eyes and ears tuned into an airbrusher. Just maybe I might get lucky and find someone that will be as patriotic and willing to take a bit less for some real exposure! It's not over until the fat lady sings!

Larry in ME

03-11-2012, 11:44 PM
Good deal Larry...I will also keep my eye's open for an alternative in case one pops up...I'm thinking if I get a trailer like yours, I'm gonna sell advertising space on it to help pay for it...with my luck, my first customer, with a huge logo painted down the side of my trailer will be "Massengale Disposable Douche" :Wlys:

Maybe I better rethink the advertising scheme...:hdscrh:

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-12-2012, 07:29 AM
with my luck, my first customer, with a huge logo painted down the side of my trailer will be "Massengale Disposable Douche"

Where do you come up with this? LOL:Rofl: Though I do know what you mean, that would be my luck also! Anytime I try and save money it seems to cost me money?

Larry in ME

03-19-2012, 11:18 PM
I added a bunch of pics of the work I recently did to my Gator in the the Tech section under "Muffler Silencer"....I added a bunch of the Eastwood Brand "DynaMat" material to cut down on noise inside the cab...the pictures I posted show where i added the stuff on the back of the Poly Cab and on the inside of the cab...in case anyone is interested in quieting down the noise inside the cab, this stuff worked really well...I don't have Db numbers, but my ears notice a pretty substantial difference in the tone of the engine, along with stopping all the "wind flapping" noise that the Poly cab and roof make when riding hard with or without the doors on it....I am really impressed with the stuff and want to thank a member on here that originally gave me the idea to do it...

Thanks for the idea and the tech help Osiris!!!...I appreciate it a bunch....I hope to be able to return the favor someday...:Thmup:

Larry in MD :Jestr: