View Full Version : 825i Anticipation in Colorado

02-25-2012, 09:48 AM
I was holding off on posting my intro until I had my 825i. That was supposed to be this past Wednesday but now it's early next week :OhNoes: , and I couldn't wait any longer. I've been following the forum for a while and finally joined a couple weeks ago. A big thanks to all who post and share their info (and make my decisions easier)!

I was really hoping to play in the snow that dumped on us Thursday, but, alas. :reye: At least we're supposed to get snow again on Sunday, so the new machine should still get to show off. My Gator experience is currently limited to "work use" with a neighbor's 850D and about 20 minutes in the 825i on the snowy/muddy back lot of my dealership. The 825i is very low hour demo unit. It's got guards all around, power dump bed, bench seat, roof and windshield. I'll let it tell me what other add ons it needs once it gets home.

A bit about me: I am or have been into dirt bikes and ATVs (mostly 3-wheelers - which reveals both my age and craziness), mountain bikes, street bikes, old cars and trucks, and planes. I'm a gear-head, so mechanicals are of particular interest. The 825i will be a "working toy" as it will help around the farm, but I'm looking forward to the fun factor. It'll live on 35 acres with a stream between Denver and Colorado Springs. I've got plans to use the 825i to help with haying, cattle, horses and even bees.

I hope to be able to post pictures early next week, and thanks again to all who post! :Thmup:

02-25-2012, 09:56 AM
welcome to the forum and i do hope you get your gator soon. i'm pretty much a newbie myself having owned mine for only a couple of months but enjoying the heck out of it so far.....mainly work but i did get one snow to play in for a day. take care and will be looking forward to the pictures.


02-25-2012, 10:03 AM
Welcome to the Forum!!!!....Great intro too....I know the feeling of waiting for the Gator to get home...I was like a kid waiting for Christmas morning to get there faster!!!....You will be more than satisfied with the 825i in my opinion for what you are describing....I'm 53 years old, and have been into motorcycles my whole life (now mostly vintage Harleys...I have 5 old bikes and 1 new one...), so I'm still an adrenaline junkie...the 825i fits my needs for speed and play better than I thought it would...I've had mine since September of 2011 and I've put 225 miles on it already....you can see my mods that I've done in the Showroom Section under first "Gator Collection" and "My Updated 825i Pics", and then just the other day I posted new pics under "Regulators New 825i Mods" (or something like that...)...it will show you my progression from getting a bare bones unit to what I have today...I've had a blast adding every modification to it too!!!

You'll enjoy the place as you've already seen...we're a bunch of internet friends who are passionate about these Gators!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-25-2012, 10:13 AM
Welcome to the forum! The Gator will certainly satisfy the "fun factor" I really love the heck outta mine!!:Thmup:

02-25-2012, 10:42 AM
One thing I forgot to mention, but I'm sure you've probably read a few of us telling other people this since you've been following the Forum for awhile now....before you buy any options for your Gator, make sure of what your long term plans are for your Gator...a few of us bought things too fast for ours, and we've regretted buying something because it didn't work with what we decided to get later on....ask questions about mods on here, and we will be glad to help you to not make the same mistakes we have made...it's alot cheaper that way!!!...there's plenty of folks on here that will be glad to steer you in the right direction, and give you advice about different things you might want to buy for your Gator...if you are like me, half the fun of having your Gator will be "making it your own"...adding your personal touches that you want on it to distinguish it from everyone else's....I do that when I am fabbing stuff for my old Harleys, and it has carried over to my Gator...

Remember, there aren't any dumb questions if you aren't sure about something!!!...don't be afraid to ask us anything...we enjoy giving out advice!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

02-25-2012, 11:33 AM
Thanks to all for the warm welcome! Regulator, thanks for the pointers to your build up history - I've already been there and appreciate it! :Thmup: Also, thanks for reiterating the "long term planning", but I've also learned that - for me, anyhow - long term may be longer than you think, so don't cut your short term fun by not getting an interim solution. :Smile: Looking forward to asking and contributing as I go forward! :cool:

02-25-2012, 04:25 PM
Welcom to the Forum and best of wishes. Let's all pray his machine arrives in time for him to paly in the snow. We are nothing but boys with toy!

Larry from ME

02-25-2012, 04:35 PM
Welcome, glad you joined us.


02-25-2012, 05:39 PM
welcome to the craziness....BTW works great for your bees:)...i have a hive that it was awesome to work with....nice to have the extra "hand" to carry supplies!!!


02-25-2012, 07:37 PM
welcome to the craziness....BTW works great for your bees:)...i have a hive that it was awesome to work with....nice to have the extra "hand" to carry supplies!!!


Thanks! The beekeeping was one of the big selling points for my wife. :BG: Actually, I'm very lucky that she has been wanting me to get a Gator or other side-by-side for a couple of years now.

Unfortunately, looks like snow is no longer forecast - and big melt today means mostly mud to play in (but I don't want to tear up my hay fields :smangl:). We'll see. Still chompin' at the bit to start playing!

- Steve in muddy CO

02-25-2012, 09:22 PM

02-27-2012, 08:50 AM
Welcome aboard:Thmup:

02-29-2012, 12:28 AM
Aargh... Hoped to be posting pictures by now. The Gator didn't appear last night. :TT: The dealership is about 70 miles away, but my salesman lives just 5 miles away, so I was expecting him to deliver on the way home. He did apologize for not calling yesterday, but a computer error popped up in the final check yesterday. Turns out they don't have the right cable to run full diagnostics. :Cnfsd: They are a big tractor (and big means both that they mostly sell tractors and most tractors there are BIG!) dealer, but they have sold a fair number of Gators too, so I'm sort of surprised. (Though I don't think they had many 825i sales, if any, until recently. They have sold 850D and 855Ds in fair numbers. Maybe it's an 825i specific cable?) Cable should be in tomorrow or Wednesday, so I'm guessing I won't see the Gator until Wednesday or Thursday. Looking at the bright side, it's better that the issue popped up before delivery so I don't have to send it back. The anticipation is really building!!! :Jestr:

- Steve in windy CO

02-29-2012, 06:19 AM
There's that little boy just staring at all the penny candy! He looks so sad but we all know that in due time he will be smiling ear to ear! Good luck my friend! Don't forget the pictures!

Larry from ME

03-02-2012, 12:26 AM
There's that little boy just staring at all the penny candy! He looks so sad but we all know that in due time he will be smiling ear to ear! Good luck my friend! Don't forget the pictures!

Larry from ME

Some nice man came along and gave me a penny! :BG: LOL!

The salesman called this afternoon and after two tries they finally got the right cable to diagnose the problem (loose MAP sensor)...

The Gator was covered with mud and slush from the trip when it arrived this evening, but a quick (cold) hose made it presentable! (The window vent portion is frozen in the up position.) Had a little time to play before I had to take care of all the animals. Shot a few pics between signing the paperwork and "testing" it...

The Gator meets its new big brother (JD 3520), and another shot of the 825i by itself as the sun disappeared behind the hills behind me:

03-02-2012, 07:20 AM
OK, finally arrived. She is looking good and I am sure as it warms up you will have her polished.

Larry from ME

03-02-2012, 07:53 AM
Great pics!!!....that's a sweet looking ride....glad you finally got it home....you will have more fun with that than you can imagine!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr: