View Full Version : Crank but no start on a 2002 6x4

03-05-2012, 04:56 PM
Hello all. New member, Eric, here.

I've had my 6x4 gas gator for several years, and never had any problems until just the other day. I was hauling a load to my burn pit, and the engine just quit. It has the FD620D engine. Before dying, it did run roughly for just a few seconds, like it was only firing on 1 cylinder. It cranks fine and the plugs spark, but no start. I followed the diagnostic chart in the tech manual, and I'm getting the correct voltages, but I'm unable to check the ignition control box since I don't have a test light. I did notice that the voltage on the pulser coils (next to the flywheel) was fine (.5 VAC), but there was 0 ohms resistance. The manual was looking for between 85-235 ohms.

I cleaned the carb and checked to see that fuel was coming out of the spark plug holes when I cranked the engine, and it is. Even using starter fluid, I can't get a cough out of this motor. I'm stumped.

Before I bite the bullet and haul it into the local Deere dealer, I was hoping maybe someone on the forum might have a suggestion. Thanks in advance.

03-05-2012, 05:39 PM
Welcome to the Forum, Eric...Good to see you are posting your question on here, because there are a bunch of great minds that frequent this place that can figure out most problems in dealing with these Gators, both old and new...I don't have any suggestions for you on your problem, but someone will here in a bit, I'm sure...you've already eliminated the fuel delivery question, so it certainly sounds like it is an electrical problem...I'm not too well versed in these Gator engines, as I am a newbie to them myself, but if you aren't even getting a cough out of it using starter fluid, then it must not be firing when it's supposed to be, so your ignition control box might just be the problem...Good luck to you in finding the problem....hopefully, you won't have to drag it to the Dealership if someone on here tells you what the answer is...you might get away with just buying a part or two...

where are you from???...just curious...it's nice to know where everyone's home base is...and, we LOVE pics!!!

Larry in MD :Jestr:

03-05-2012, 06:52 PM
Hi Larry.
I'm in SE Michigan. As for photos, unfortunately, my gator's not very photogenic. It's a work vehicle, and gets plenty of use.

03-06-2012, 01:23 AM
Hey Eric,
When you have the plugs removed from the head,leave them connected to the spark plug wires.
Ground them against the motor while grasping them with something insulated and look for a spark from the electrode while cranking the engine.

03-06-2012, 02:58 AM
Hi Kevin.
I did that already, and there is spark. My thought is that a failed ignition controller may have the timing off.

03-06-2012, 06:41 AM
Welcome to the Forum!

Larry from ME