View Full Version : Finally found what caused an annoying noise!

03-29-2012, 08:16 AM
Had an REALLY annoying "metal to metal" noise at lower speed (it was probably there at higher speed too, but it drowned by engine noise) coming from the floor between the seats. It sounded almost like a minor Christmas bell. I've had the battery out, center console out, shield between seats out, etc. to check for loose things, but no luck. For some reason it was only present when driving, so I couldn't just have someone to rev the engine, while checking everything. This had been going on for weeks, but today I had success. In the process of checking the oil, etc. I heard a similar noise, when I touched these radiator hoses:


It turns out that the metal bracket that fix the hoses, is only attached to the body in the upper end and just barely lean against the body in the other end. I found a small size hose:


and pushed it over the loose end of the bracket and noise was gone. I was sure the noise came from the area between the seats, so it just shows how easy metal noise can be transferred and cheat you. When I first found what caused it, it only took a minute to fix. What a relief.

So, guys, if you're annoyed by a sound like described, check this bracket first. You might have a better way to fix it, but that's up to you.

Just thought I would share.


03-29-2012, 10:43 AM
Thanks for the info. I will check mine this afternoon and make repairs as needed

03-29-2012, 11:27 AM
Thanks for posting! I haven't heard the noise, but I will probably use this as "preventive medicine".

- Steve in sunny CO

03-29-2012, 03:40 PM

03-30-2012, 10:20 AM
Another problem solved! In quick time we will have one heck of a libray related to problems and salutions. Thanks my friend.

Larry in ME