View Full Version : Rear Power Connector

05-26-2012, 02:09 PM
I recently purchased a XUV 850 Diesel. Way more machine than I needed but a great machine.

I am mounting a portable sprayer. While thinking about how to provide power to the spray pump I found a connector under the bed that provides switched power. As I have searched for information about the connector I found reference to a "rear power" or "rear AUX" connector. I'm hoping that's it. My problem now is that I can't find a mating connector. The local Deere dealer is completely clueless. His suggestion is to cut it off and install a connector from the local auto parts store. I will do that if I must but I would rather keep the original equipment.

So, does anybody know what the mating connector is? I would love to hear where to buy one, but if someone knows the technical name for this style of connector that would be a good start.



05-26-2012, 09:02 PM
I don't know what that connector is called, but when I used one of them for one of my additions to my 825i, I simply used 2 "spade" wire ends and pushed them into the connector...then I taped it up real good so that they wouldn't become dis-connected....they were actually tight enough where I probably didn't need to tape them up, but I'd rather be safe now than sorry later...

If that doesn't work for you, I'm with the suggestion by the Deere guy...I'd cut that connector off in a heartbeat, and wire up my own connector using something readily available...you could save the original in case you might want to re-install it at some point, but do you really see yourself doing that????....it's nice keeping stuff original, but I have no qualms about getting rid of OEM equipment to replace it with better aftermarket stuff...I like function over fluff anyday...

Larry in MD :Jestr:

05-27-2012, 09:57 AM
Is the "switched power" switched on ignition or another switch? (I'm thinking it could be for the power dump - if you don't have the power dump installed.)

As for your dilemma on cutting off the existing connector, another option would be to splice in a connector so you "keep original" but also get something you can use without the spade and tape. That gives you two connector options - in case you ever determine what the original plug was for and want to use it (and you don't have to remember where you put the one you lopped off :BG:).

That said, the connector does look like a relatively standard connector. Try a trip down to NAPA (or other auto parts store, but I find NAPA stores most well stocked with eager helpers) to see if you can find some thing that will match. (If you can somehow bring the connector - with or without the Gator - to the store,... but I realize that's not likely a reasonable option.)

Best of luck in your journey! :cool:

- Steve in CO

05-27-2012, 10:05 PM
OK, had a chance to look at my 825i... I appears that the power dump does connect to that connector, but if you have a power dump, you'll get an additional, identical connector in the power dump wiring harness. I can't help you with the connector, but if your dealer can find a part for the power dump...

Hope this helps.

- Steve in sunny CO

05-29-2012, 12:27 AM
A little more research from the John Deere Parts Catalog (http://jdpc.deere.com/jdpc/servlet/com.deere.u90490.partscatalog.view.servlets.HomePa geServlet?search=model&model=825i) shows that the "Rear Power" connector is part # 57M8813 and is described as "CONN DELPHI 56 2W F BLK NYLON". You would need the male version that mates to this. I looked at Delphi site but didn't find connectors. I would think your dealer could help you out. :Cnfsd:

- Steve in dark CO (actually meant to post this morning, but saw it still sitting here tonight)

05-30-2012, 12:28 PM
Thanks, guys. I did some searching for the Delphi connector and I think I might have found one but although the Delphi catalog has pictures and drawings of many connectors, this is not one of them, nor is the possible mating connector I found. If I can find a local dealer I will give that route a try but I don't want to pay a shipping charge for a connector I can't see before I order.

I sent an email to JD parts asking for info on this connector. They replied this morning to tell me the mating connector would come on a JD spray rig. I checked the drawing and parts list, and they do what Regulator did. The power connection to the spray pump is a two-prong trailer type connector, and the kit comes with a wiring harness that has the mating connector with a fuse and two spade plugs on the other end. I guess if it's good enough for John Deere it's good enough for me.:reye:

05-30-2012, 01:37 PM
I would solder on the the terminals and put a little dialectric grease on the spades when u push them in to ensure they dont corrode giving u problems down the road good luck

06-01-2012, 09:08 AM
responses very good! )