View Full Version : 620 I Rough Idle

07-25-2012, 10:39 PM
I have a 620 gator that idles extremely rough and now the oil and temp lights are coming on. The light issue just started recently. I had it at the dealer, they had it 6 weeks and still no fix. At this point, I am at my wits end. I have read the other posts about rough idling, but have not seen any references to the light issue. My original dealer got the rough idling fixed a couple of years ago, but now it is back. Put Marine foam in this afternoon, can't tell it helped much. Any help would be appreciated.

07-26-2012, 03:58 PM
I'd take it to another dealer... It's really hot outside. I would rather send it there so I can use it on the weekend. It sure beats working on it all weekend, just to need one stinkin little part that I dont have, and wait to the next weekend to finish it just in time to go to bed on Sunday. Wait, what am I talking about? I love to do that!

You can even try a Kawasaki dealer as the engine is the same as a Mule 3010 or even the Mule forums.

Seriously. There are several things that can cause a poor idle and warning lights. A factory trained Deere technician who knows his/her stuff can knock that out in an afternoon. Souds like you've had it for a long time...when was the last time the valves were adjusted? How about the fuel filter, air filter and spark plugs? Time to check the fuel pressure too. Is there clay or mud in the muffler? I've packed mine almost solid with mud! A couple sensors are manditory and a couple are just there for information. A bad sensor can be the culprit as well. the list can really go on for a while. It's suprising how many things can cause that. As far as the lights go, if it idles down very very low, it may not have enough oil pressure to override the pressure switch, causing it to ground and the light turns on/flickers. The Temp....well I don't know off hand but there are multiple things that really need a tech to trouble shoot.

I hope this helps. Sorry it's not the golden answer, with a simple fix. As you probably know.....most are not.
