View Full Version : Wheel Question

08-06-2012, 12:48 PM
I'd like to get new wheels for my CX.

The CX does not have lug bolts. The wheels are more like a $2 scooter.



My questions are:

1.... Does someone make wheels to fit this type of spindle?

2.... Is there a modification plate that goes on the spindle that adds lug bolts.


3.... Stop screwing around trying to make a "toy" into a "machine".

Marketing Idea.... sell something that lets you add a plate with lug bolts.


08-06-2012, 04:07 PM
I might be able to help you out on this with new take off rims. Give me till tommorrow for a answer. Do you need tires also? I think i might of misunderstood, that you are looking for different rims not replacing with the same, In that case i cannot help, Sorry!

08-08-2012, 07:56 AM
I just need wheels. I'd like to upgrade from the Wheelbarrow looking stock factory ones that are on there now. The tires are brand new with about 2 hours a ware on grass. I'd like to get something more like "mag wheels".

