View Full Version : XUV 550 Innards

08-18-2012, 07:15 PM
I had many of the panels off my XUV 550 today as I installed some sound insulation so I took some pictures of the innards that many may never see. In addition to the photos here I have many more and in high resolution so if you ever take your Gator apart and can't remember how that linkage should be hooked up just post on the forum or PM me. Also, if there is any area you want to see in more detail just post and I'll see if I have a photo.




08-18-2012, 07:15 PM


08-19-2012, 09:42 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention that there was one fastener I hate. On top of the engine is a black plate that covers the carburetor. One one side are two screws that attach it to the exhaust heat shield but then there is one plastic button holding it to the cooling shroud. My cover rattled at certain engine rpm's so I wanted to install some shims but I could not remove the button without it breaking. Nice screws everywhere else and one stupid, single use push button.