View Full Version : 550 "Ridge Runner" - A Bit More Bling!

09-02-2012, 01:59 PM
Hi All. In my search to add some last dress up items to this Gator I came across these cool handle bar caps, and tube bumper plugs. The handle bar plugs are used on BMX bikes, and have a very mechanical/sprocket like look that will fit the bed dump handles, as well as my spare tire mount. They attach with their rubber expander plugs. The 1.75" aluminum plugs will fit with a bit of sanding to the Gator bumpers. They are secured by means of an "O" ring. In an effort to keep things looking matched I mounted the "sprocket" part to the bumper plug with a black vinyl 1.25" plug between them to highlight it all. The handle bar plugs were from Amazon, the aluminum bumper plugs, and plastic plugs from e-bay. These little "Bling Items" were "absolutely unnecessary", however, I figured, if I can't catch up with the RSX, I had better look good sitting still! I hope you have enjoyed following these "Ridge Runner" threads, it's been fun building these things, and I hope others continue to post their projects, as it's all great fun! Well, next season we'll do some safety items on Fire, Fuel, and Trail, as well as possibly some doors. Everyone have a safe Labor Day, and see you on the trail! mountaingoat.1402140314041405

09-02-2012, 09:38 PM
Very saxy looking! Now, go out and have some fun getting them dirty.

09-02-2012, 10:44 PM
Oh Yeah! I think I've spent more time cleaning this thing to take pictures of what I built, than the time it took to build them! There's no better place for me to be than on the trails full of Vermont's fall color! Ride Safe, mountaingoat.