View Full Version : Enclosure Build

10-23-2012, 03:38 PM
I'm too cheap to buy the enclosure from John Deere and I wanted something a bit different with the rear panel.

When loading the bed of the Gator with the front end loader I'm spilling a fair bit of dirt or mulch in the cabin if I'm not very careful. So, I want a bit of a partition. Enough to help keep thing in the bed but not a full height one that prevents reaching over into the bed to grab a tool.

I started by making a cardboard template. One to get the intricate shape to form around the air intake housing and to find out how high I could go and still reach over it relatively easily.



Once I was satisfied with the template I traced it onto a scrap of .220" thick HDPE that I had in the shop. I had other scraps but this 16" wide piece was almost exactly what I wanted for height and I could not bring myself to cut up a larger piece.


For the straight & easy cuts I used a circular saw with a fine toothed carbide blade. I first tried a very fine tooth blade meant for vinyl siding but it melted the plastic as much as it cut, soon gumming up. The larger toothed carbide blade spit out a nice, coarse plastic saw dust. For the curves I used a Roto-Zip like you'd use for routing out holes when doing sheetrock.


10-23-2012, 03:44 PM
I sized the panel to catch some unused holes in the frame so mounting the bottom was as easy as two holes and a couple bolts.


Since I wanted the top edge to be pretty sturdy and easy on your arm when reaching into the bed I capped it with a piece of aluminum extrusion. The extrusion is made to accept 1/4" thick Lexan so my .22" thick HDPE rattled in the slot a bit so I put silicone caulk in the slot before pushing it onto the plastic. Then the top is mounted with rubber lined tubing clamps. Surprisingly the stainless ones were not much more expensive.


Don't laugh at the seat covers. The John Deere yellow seats seem to glow in the dark when I go night hunting and WallyWorld had this fabric on the clearance rack. I could do without the hippie peace symbols but I suppose the camo pattern and gun rack offset it well enough.



10-23-2012, 04:23 PM
Nice clean job Dane, it certainly looks like it belongs there.

10-23-2012, 07:39 PM
http://i45.tinypic.com/10hm621.gif Dude!

:lol: :lol: Sorry! I could not help myself! :hehe:

Awesome job Dane! :Chers: :cool:

Whatcha got stickin on the windshield? :lurk:

10-24-2012, 08:06 AM
There is a rear view mirror mounted to the ROPS in the top center. If you're seeing the green thing it's a plastic composting barrel in the background.

I'm currently working on the cardboard template for the rear window.

10-24-2012, 08:30 AM
Hey Duuude... Those seat covers are FAR OUT MAaaan.....:lol:

Seriously though Dane, you're moving right along with your Gator. All I've done to mine so far is cut out some horse stall material for a bed mat. Hopefully I'll get more industrious after finishing a few other projects in the coming weeks and maybe get so I don't have to babysit the pipeline crew all the time.


10-24-2012, 08:44 AM
Dane, that's great! I love seeing the cleco's! :Thmup:

10-24-2012, 09:48 AM
Great work, Dane :Thmup:

10-24-2012, 11:25 AM
I'm surprised anyone recognized the cleco's.

I was putting a roof rack on the Pathfinder in Costa Rica. I made the parts here and carried them down in my suitcase. Drilled and clecoed everything to the roof and took it to a local body shop to have the frame welded together. They had never seen cleco's and went crazy for them. I gave them what I had and they would not take any money for doing the welding work so the next trip down I took a couple pliers and an assortment of different clecos. Since then I can pull in any time and they'll drop whatever they are doing to help. Of course, it did not take them long to realize they had a US connection. Next trip there will be a lithium cordless drill set in a suitcase.

10-24-2012, 11:37 AM
I wonder if those guys have ever seen a stud gun? If they haven't, they would probably be even more excited to have one in their body shop.

10-24-2012, 11:45 AM
Dane we are both Richard VanGrunsven builders. Yea!!!! I miss mine. The friend I sold my 7 to called yesterday and said he may have to sell her and offered he back to me but there isn't any way I could buy her back right now. I'm sad for him to have to let her go, she's quite the flying machine.

10-24-2012, 11:50 AM
A seven? You talking about a Lotus or an RV?


10-24-2012, 12:04 PM
Doc, great question cuz I didn't know Lotus has a "7". I am speaking of the Richard VanGrunsven RV-7. :Wlys:
Are you a RV offender? :hsu: Not in the literal sense. :-) I plan on being a repeat offender and building another RV.

10-25-2012, 07:15 PM
I flew my RV safely for years. Then the guy who bought it was killed last year when the engine in his KR-2 quit and he stalled & spun so it was sold to a guy in Florida. While he was flying it the engine threw a cylinder and he safely landed in a field (no injury but did undiscovered damage). He lost his job and sold the plane to someone close to me in NC. Long story... but during the sale to the new owner and test runs the right side brakes failed and the plane ended up running off the runway and flipping (no injury). So, the baby I spent 7+ years building in the days before quick build kits was totaled this summer. The N number has been resigned and the airplane will probably be sold at auction for the value of it's salvageable parts.

10-25-2012, 07:22 PM
Now back to things Gator related.

I went through a few sheets of cardboard coming up with a good way to make a flat sheet work for the rear window. At the bottom it's just outboard of the ROPS and at the very top it's about in inch+ inside the ROPS. I was concerned that angling in would have me bumping my head but the ROPS is further aft than I knew so it works out well.

When driving through fields and dry grass I got a lot of fluff and dust blowing in the rear of the cabin so I worked a little bit to get the contour at the top to match the roof. One more template would have made it perfect but I was tired and figured that foam tape could fill the gaps.



The material, 1/4" Lexan, was leftover from my parents hurricane shutters at the coast when they remodeled. There are a few scuffs and other marks but the material was free.




10-26-2012, 07:46 AM
You're moving right along Dane!

I wish I had a piece of Lexan laying around. It cooled off a little yesterday and I had to make my daily pipeline run looking for the dog. By the time I got back my ears were solid enough to probably break off pretty easily. Started me thinking about a windshield.

10-26-2012, 09:32 AM
I have a full, new 5' x 8' sheet of 1/4" Lexan at the shop leftover from a project many years ago that I will probably use for the doors. I'll have to double check my templates before cutting into it. If I screw-up I don't think I'll want to buy a sheet at today's prices.

10-26-2012, 09:48 AM
Nice neat install!:Thmup:mountaingoat.

10-26-2012, 10:18 AM
Very nice job, now we await the doors and judging by your work, I don't think you have to worry about screwing it up.


10-26-2012, 11:06 AM
Well, I broke down and bought a windshield. I need to keep the Gator moving even in the cool wind and have no time for awhile to fabricate one. Found a dealer in MS that is selling it about $50 less than the local dealer with free shipping, and since they aren't in Texas, no sales tax.

I hate to part with that much money for a couple of pieces of Lexan, but what I'm buying is time I suppose.

Right now I'm in the process of refurbishing a neighbors old Miller Blue Star and trying to finish a partially enclosed building to keep my small tractor(since this is a Green & Yellow site, it's a 5045D) and Gator out of the Winter weather. In addition I'm running the pipeline on a daily basis. On top of that I'm working on my Instrument Rating. Not enough hours in the day.

10-26-2012, 01:08 PM
I must admit that the split, scratch resistant poly windshield that I got from JD is nowhere close to inexpensive but it is quite high quality. I had the hardest time deciding between the glass one with wiper for $200 more but being in the south I new the split would be open for eight months of the year.

I was all set to get started on the doors today but I was out hunting 1:30 - 3:30 this morning and window fogging is a huge problem. It's happened every other night I've gone out but I have a little 12v heater velcro'd to the dash blowing up on the windscreen which works well. Now, I'm wondering if I want doors at all? Should I make them very easily removable so I can take them off when hunting at night? Windows in the door that open? Split door so I can remove or open part for visibility? So many questions. I think I'll spend some time this weekend with an IPA in my hand as I sit and stare at the Gator.

10-26-2012, 01:32 PM
Do any good on your hunt? What were you hunting for? In Texas deer hunting at that time of night can get you in BIG trouble.

About fifteen years or so ago, I met the game warden while shooting at the Skeet Club. A few weeks later she called me and said that she had caught someone night hunting in one of my pastures. It turned out to be a neighbor that I had known since he was 13, probably about 23 at the time. Luckily, the kid has matured since then.

Here's the kicker though. She said that she was not required to notify the landowner in such a situation!:Nnd: She said she called me only because we had met and it was just out of courtesy. Who passes laws like this?:Cnfsd:

I'm anxious to see how your doors come out.

10-26-2012, 02:43 PM
I only hunt coyotes and wild boar. Both of which are considered invasive species in NC so there is no season, no limit and hunting at night with lights or night vision is permitted.

10-28-2012, 09:38 AM

Have you given this back panel a test drive? Did you notice any sound or air differences? I think I may purchase the back window for the winter season.


10-28-2012, 12:48 PM
There is not much difference in the sound level but it's amazing how much wind it blocks. Even with the sides totally open it's very noticeable how much more protected you are from the elements. It also really cuts down on the dust & chaff that gets sucked up from behind and blown into the cab. I'd say definitely go with the rear window considering the one from Deere is only about $230.

10-28-2012, 12:51 PM
Nice looking buggy. :cool: How are you liking your rear led work lights?

10-28-2012, 01:45 PM
The rear work lights are great. They are quite bright and being bars and spread apart a couple feet helps keep you from being blinded so badly when you look in that direction. They also illuminate the entire 180 behind the Gator so backing up in the dark is a breeze.

10-28-2012, 06:14 PM

Thanks for the input. I think I will order it. Keep the rain and snow off my back anyway. $230 isn't bad if it works, I dont have the mad skill to make one like you did.


10-28-2012, 07:28 PM
We just took a trip out in light drizzle and having the rear enclosed was much appreciated.

10-30-2012, 04:25 PM
This weekend my neighbors must have thought me a fool. Driving around. Back and forth. Back and forth with different pieces of cardboard taped to the Gator. I started out with full side doors, which worked but were really huge. I tried hinging on the front and rear but could not get around the fact that they stuck out so far and how far you had to open them to get in and out. I even tried a gull wing opening (think Lamborghini or classic Mercedes 300sl) with a horizontal hinge half way up the door so it could fold in half as it opened but it would have been heavy and with no way to stick your head out short of opening the door almost all the way. In the end I tried a half, fixed panel that worked well.





I played around with various sizes for the side panels. Adding and cutting away until I found a happy balance between protection and ease of entry (without banging my head). The side and rear panels together do a surprisingly good job of creating a bubble of dead air where your torso is and very little air blows in when driving. The occasional gust of wind gets in of course but instead of constantly being in the wind when going down the road you just get the occasional puff of air into the cabin.

10-30-2012, 08:20 PM
That looks like a cab I would like myself, I always shudder at the thoughts of a full door and having to open/close it all the time....especially in the winter where icing is a problem. Very nice set up.:Thmup:

10-31-2012, 07:51 AM
You just keep marching right along, don't you Dane? You're pretty close to a completely enclosed cab now. As Winter looms upon us, I would not be surprised if that's where you end up.:BG:

I got my windshield yesterday and got it in place. You are correct about it being a quality item. I still need to adjust it and had trouble with the bottom clamps. I couldn't get everything in place with the rubber pads under the handle, so I'll need to do some more tweaking.

10-31-2012, 08:30 PM
I have a frame member on the front edge of the side panel just in case I decide to add doors. Hinging there dramatically cuts down the size of door that's needed. It seems to be working well enough that I don't know if I'll get around to making doors. I suppose if I were up north and plowing snow for hours but I don't know if the NC weather is worth the hassle of opening and closing a door every time I want to move the Gator.

11-01-2012, 07:17 AM
Yes, not having to mess with a door is part of the reason the Gator is so handy.

11-06-2012, 12:59 PM
Some very nice clean mods! I am sure with time you will come up with many more. Keep sharing them with us.

Larry in NC

06-11-2013, 05:26 PM

09-04-2013, 09:53 AM
Great job Dane. I still have a lot of work to do on my 550 S4. As the money comes I try to purchase something. I bought 3/16" synthetic rope for my winch and it should be in Friday. I just hate trying to keep the wire rope straight. I really screwed up the wire cable pulling out some Sago Palms Saturday. I'm getting there with the add ons but I have to slip purchased items past my wife :Nnd: