View Full Version : 625i SLOW TIRE LEAK

02-17-2013, 08:20 AM
Hi All......

New member here from Pennsylvania......

I bought a new 2012 625i Gator two weeks ago, and I have a slow air leak in my left, front tire..... I have used the Slime tire repair sealant for other applications previous, lawn mowers and the like, and I was wondering if any of the other members have used it on their Gator?

It is my understanding/rumored that tire repair shops dislike the use of the Slime sealant, anyone have any experience, pros or cons?

Thank you for a most informative website on the Gator XUV......

Tom S.

02-17-2013, 10:29 AM
They probably dislike it because of the mess it creates when you dismount the tire.

02-17-2013, 11:00 AM
why not just let the dealer repair/replace the tire? or is your dealer so far away you figured you would handle it yourself?

02-17-2013, 12:47 PM
why not just let the dealer repair/replace the tire? or is your dealer so far away you figured you would handle it yourself?

Well, I would assume that tires/punctures are not covered by warranty once you drive off their lot, and I noticed that JD has their own version of Slime..... So, with that in mind, why would I pay the going JD Shop rate for something as simple as adding sealant to a tire? Thanks for your advice/reply tho, Plateauman57....like Dieselsmith said, sealant in a tire will make a mess when they take the tire off the rim...... Some had said that it's a good idea to ADD the sealant to all 4 tires BEFORE the puncture/leak occurs. That's why I was inquiring to the Gator Group to see if anyone had done that.

Tom S.

02-17-2013, 02:52 PM
i can see your point but i guess it depends on your dealer. mine would fix something as simple as that without charging me, especially after the thousands of dollars i spent on the gator itself. who knows, could have been a slow leak when you got it??

i have mixed feelings about the sealant, but i know the tire guys hate it.

02-17-2013, 05:39 PM
Welcome aboard Tom ! I do not use slime in my tires, Gator or Jeep, but that's just my preference. I agree with you, I do not think a tire leak would be covered by warranty unless you let them know as soon as you picked it up that there was a problem.

Just curious, what do you do with your Gator ?


02-17-2013, 08:09 PM
Get a big bottle of children's bubble soap and a paint brush from the dollar store. Once you find the leak you'll know better how to proceed. A leak at the valve stem or bead could use a professional & their tools but a simple puncture can be patched with a plug kit available at any auto store or Walmart though dismounting the tire and patching from the inside is better.

02-17-2013, 10:33 PM
Hi Dan.....

I bought my 625i for hauling firewood mostly, PUSHING a trailer from my pile to the garage using the front hitch, and gonna bring it in from the woods.... I was using a '83 Jacobsen GT-16 tractor for the past 8 years, and it was getting tired.
That's the work part......the fun part is 4 grandsons that are having a blast with it.....I'm a very popular grandfather right now.....lol

I also plan on taking it camping behind my motorhome.....

Tom S.

02-17-2013, 10:39 PM
It's a very slow leak, Dane......drops about 5 lbs. in 4 days...... I'll find it, once the weather warms up a bit......lol

I do know about using soapy water and brush, from my dirt-bike days.....


Tom S.

02-19-2013, 05:26 PM
If its leaking around the rim try PB Blaster. I had a front tire on a tractor that had a slow leak. A friend told me to try PB Blaster. It sealed up and has been holding air ever since. It softens the rubber to let it seal. It was a quick fix.

02-20-2013, 07:00 AM
Tom, make sure the valve stem is tight. Spit on your finger and put it over the end of the valve stem to see if it blows bubbles. The reason most tire stores don't like slime is it takes away from their business. I hauled a tire to the tire store and they charged $15 to put a plug in it. I now have the plug kits in my Gator, and both trucks. I use slime in my mower tires. Seems I am always brushing up against something or running over something I should not.

02-21-2013, 11:54 AM
i also carry a plug kit in my truck but recently bought a vivair portable compressor with %100 duty cycle to add to my tool kit