View Full Version : Turkey Gator

05-06-2013, 10:33 PM
Last week of Turkey Season in NC. I guess I will have to bring out the Big Gun and use my wife's Gator.

05-07-2013, 07:46 AM
Don't say you're using that on Turkey! You'll have a Wildlife Officer knocking on your door for sure.

I don't have any place on my property or where I hunt that could put a gun like that to use. Most of my shooting is less than 150 yards and I don't think I have any place I hunt where I could find a 300 yard shot.

05-07-2013, 09:20 AM
Don't say you're using that on Turkey! You'll have a Wildlife Officer knocking on your door for sure.

I don't have any place on my property or where I hunt that could put a gun like that to use. Most of my shooting is less than 150 yards and I don't think I have any place I hunt where I could find a 300 yard shot.

That gun is legal for hunting in NC. It's a 12 gauge shotgun. I will admit it is a little heavy and would be hard to carry. Weight is over 40 lbs.

05-07-2013, 09:54 AM
A 40lb shotgun with long range scope including spirit level and bench rest stock & stands??? That's tricked out for a bench rest target rifle but I have never seen a shotgun set up like that. What do you use it for?

05-07-2013, 10:18 AM
All I can say is wow! Nice gun though. We hunt turkeys with bows.:BG:

05-07-2013, 10:30 AM
I go to turkey shoots. They are called outlaw 9 shoots or the do have 2-2-10 shoots. They mostly use Wagner shells. On the 10's it 2 oz. of powder, 2 oz. of #10 shot. The only rule at the shoots I go to is the barrel lenght can not exceed 36"; some shoots will allow up to 60" barrels. There are shoots all up and down the east coast. I'm going to Taylorsville to a 10 shoot on Saturday and next weekend going to W.Va. for a 2 day shoot. Entry fee is a little high ( usually $220.00 for 8 rounds) but if you win you get many franklins. The shoot before the last one I went to had 94 shooters on Friday and 104 on Saturday. Do the math on Saturday that's over 20K in cash. The house usually splits 70/30, with the house keeping 30%. I've only been in it for a couple of years. I had a good time and have met a lot of good people. Check out the web site; turkeyshoot.net. The shoot next weekend they are expecting around 120 shooters. That will put the shoot ending well after midnight, so I will stay over ; getting too old to stay up all day and night.

05-07-2013, 01:10 PM
Cool! Take some pictures and tell us about it when you return.

05-07-2013, 08:29 PM
Now wait a minute. Take some pictures of what?? The target after it's been shot? I will be using a different gun this weekend. I will be using a gun made to shoot 2-2-10's

05-07-2013, 08:48 PM
How about a picture of you holding a trophy or fist full of Benjamins? Oh, and a shot of your 10 gauge would be cool if it looks anything like your 12.

05-07-2013, 09:00 PM
Come on Dane ; there will be no pictures of a 10 gauge they are not allowed. There are really only 2 rules at the shoots I shoot at. 12 gauge and 36 inch max. barrel length. If I make a win I will post a picture of the Franklins ( or benjamins as you call them) if there are enough worth showing. Fair enough ???; and that is a big IF; everyone there is a good shooter and capable of winning. I feel good about this weekend because my 10 gun has been showing out latley; but feeling good and winning are 2 different things

05-12-2013, 10:09 AM
Dane I had a fair day shooting yesterday. I will send some pictures of which gun I used and what I brought home later today. It was a long day; left home at 0645 hours and got home at 2230 hours. I had to chug a couple or red bulls to stay awake on the ride home.

05-15-2013, 03:55 PM
Love the Hunting dog!:BG:

05-15-2013, 06:01 PM
Love the Hunting dog!:BG:

Me too....looks really ready to get in the rough stuff :lol: