View Full Version : John Deere Gator XUV 550 and XUV550 S4 Head Rest Installation

10-02-2013, 06:31 PM

10-02-2013, 08:23 PM
You mean I don't have to get drain bamage from banging my head on the back glass?

10-04-2013, 08:35 AM
Lock & ride accessories has changed the world. Dane do you have pics of your ride? looking at maybe a 550 for the farm and joyriding with my son. Is the vanguard engine as loud as a regular lawnmower engine. I am a novice to the utv world.

10-04-2013, 09:29 AM
Just look back through the XUV 2012 (http://www.johndeeregatorforum.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?52-XUV-Crossover-Utility-Vehicle-General-Discussion-2012) section of the forum for threads started by me. I started threads, with pictures, showing the modifications I've made.

The Vanguard engine is close to the loudness of a lawnmower engine. Also in the XUV 2012 section I started a thread showing my sound deadening attempts including decible numbers. It's louder than an 825 and does not have that smoother three cylinder sound but because the engine is behind you and the exhaust is 3+ feet behind you and below the bed it's a bit quieter than the same engine on a lawnmower.

The 550 and 16 hp Briggs has all the power needed to work and still get down the road at 30 mph. Where it's lack of power is noticed is acceleration, top end when climbing hills, and slogging through deep mud. It keeps going and does very well but it certainly doesn't have the power of the more expensive models. But I was not willing to pay 40-50% more for an 825 or 850 and the XUV 550 is much higher quality than the no name competitors in the same price range.

10-08-2013, 01:33 PM
I'm not sure it's worth the fight with my wife over the $214.00 cost. 550 S4 has passenger head rests but it does look nice maybe I'll try as soon as these furloughs get over with. Come on Congress/President get it together.