View Full Version : Distorted party noise!

06-05-2014, 07:58 PM
:Jestr: Hey ya Woes...Thought I'd drop in and :spm: up your board with that band video from Billy's memorial party :hde:


As if you folks can't tell, everybody there was well in the "bag" :smkr:& :bob:= :jm:
Hey kids, gotta porch or a patio party you'd like us to come play? Garages and parking lots are okay too. Be sure to get your parents permission first! :strpot:

06-06-2014, 12:48 PM
Nice jam out sessions man! http://i.imgur.com/4ZiEgu9.gif :cool:
You should have seen me at the DMB concert last weekend! I was extra messy! :lol: :Thmup:

06-18-2014, 12:16 PM
Nice jam out sessions man! http://i.imgur.com/4ZiEgu9.gif :cool:
You should have seen me at the DMB concert last weekend! I was extra messy! :lol: :Thmup:
Woes...It was what it was. DMB is a real band, we are not!
Sorry about not getting back sooner but I was out of town for a run north to get my daughter from college.
She graduated with two degrees and is soon returning to Germany for her masters :Thmup:
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z238/VetteSlave/ChasDiplomas_zps598e2884.jpg (http://s188.photobucket.com/user/VetteSlave/media/ChasDiplomas_zps598e2884.jpg.html)
Did a little side trip to the Redwoods too :cool:
http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z238/VetteSlave/ShermanGrove_zps2c3cc8c5.jpg (http://s188.photobucket.com/user/VetteSlave/media/ShermanGrove_zps2c3cc8c5.jpg.html)
:Jestr: Here's some original tunes, aka band noise/nonsense, from one of the parking lots I mentioned...:strpot:

:Sdangl: Pretty crazy happening with that CFOT member "The Copper" in Colorado! I'm completely stunned by his actions... :Sdangl:

Kerry G
08-09-2014, 03:56 PM